Representative William Lawrence
May 26, 2022
When I was first elected in 2020, the 70th District looked a little different, encompassing Bracken, Fleming, Mason, and Robertson Counties. After the numbers from the 2020 Census were reported, the legislature re-drew our representative districts, as required by our Constitution. This process resulted in Harrison County becoming part of the 70th District. In seeking public office, my pledge has been to build opportunities in our region of Kentucky; I now make that same pledge to the people of Harrison County.

As many of you know, rural Kentucky faces numerous challenges. Yet, on the campaign trail, and serving in office, I have seen so much promise despite the hardship communities like ours face. I have seen the people of our district work hard to provide a good life for themselves and their families. I have seen ambitious entrepreneurs struggle and sacrifice in pursuit of the American Dream. I have seen our gifted young students cultivate their talents, making their parents and communities proud. I have seen selfless doctors, nurses, and healthcare professionals work to exhaustion to treat illnesses and save lives. I have seen our brave law enforcement keep us safe and secure, despite our national media and liberal elites demonizing their efforts. In all these people, I have seen the great American spirit, and it gives me hope for a bright and promising future. As the Representative for these inspiring communities, I will work hard to ensure we foster an environment where opportunities can flourish. I am proud of my track record in the General Assembly. With the support of my constituents, we have been able to accomplish great work in the two short years of my first term. Together, we have taken significant strides in building opportunities.
Building opportunities means creating economic opportunities for our people to prosper. Oftentimes, to accomplish this, governments must first get out of the way and give individuals the space needed to magnify their own potential. I have been a vocal advocate for smaller government, local control, and cutting the regulations and red tape that encumber and impede progress. When government does have a role, it should be to foster environments that support prosperity. I have been laser-focused on drafting legislation that creates pro-business conditions and making the 70th District a more attractive place to open a business. I filed House Bill 333 which creates tax incentives for companies to relocate to our rural communities, creating jobs, and stimulating our economy. I have also co-sponsored legislation to implement tax reform in Kentucky, eliminating the state’s income tax. Under nearly a century of Democrat control, our tax code was aimed at penalizing us for our hard work. I believe Kentuckians should keep more of what they earn and be empowered by the dignity of work.
Building opportunities also means that we must nurture educational opportunities for our children to learn and grow. We need a comprehensive approach to our children’s education, one that provides adequate resources for our elementary and secondary students, empowers parents to have active and engaged roles in their children’s educations, and we must also expand post-secondary potential. I have worked hard to obtain the resources needed for our students, including an increase of $3.4 million in public education funding for our 70th District schools. Additionally, I was able to secure a $9.4 million line item in this year’s budget for our vocational education programs, the third-largest individual allocation of education funds in this year’s budget. I have also worked hard to make post-secondary education more attainable for our kids. I have passed legislation allowing our students to use their hard-earned KEES scholarships at trade schools. Traditional colleges and universities are not the only paths to success; we must break down the stigma of trade school education and make it easier for our children to succeed in these highly lucrative fields like welding, plumbing, HVAC, etc. I have also filed House Bill 452, making traditional college education more affordable for our children by freezing tuition rates for students in our taxpayer-funded universities. For too long publicly-funded universities have been able to raise tuition rates with near-impunity (over 105% since 2005) while increasing their administrators’ salaries – HB 452 holds them accountable.
Building opportunities also means infrastructure development. The 70th District needs sufficient resources to maintain and build up our roads, bridges, and other forms of traditional infrastructure. I was proud to co-sponsor the House Budget Proposal, which has now been signed into law. This budget provides record funding for infrastructure and rural development projects, while maintaining fiscal responsibility. Infrastructural improvement also requires the development of broadband internet access. Businesses won’t locate in our region if they don’t have access to the internet. Our students will be put at a learning disadvantage if they don’t have access to the internet. I have filed legislation to invest in broadband expansion and continue to work closely with the private sector to build public-private partnerships with internet service providers to build broadband infrastructure in rural communities.
Indeed, I am proud of the work we’ve accomplished in my first term in the General Assembly, but I could not have done it alone. I relied on the interests, concerns, expertise, and experiences of my constituents. I believe my close partnership with my constituents has enabled us to craft good public policy for our communities. As I begin this new chapter of service with Harrison County, I look forward to engaging with its people. I have been blessed to meet many residents here already, and I am thankful for the very warm welcome I have received. It is clear that Harrison County has so much to offer the 70th District and our great Commonwealth. I promise to be a strong partner with Harrison Countians to advocate for the issues that will help us grow and thrive. Harrison County is a vibrant community and I look forward to the honor of being its voice in the General Assembly.