The Harrison County Republican party is excited to announce a date for our Lincoln Day Lunch!
As evidenced by the 2021 winter fundraising reception, Harrison County Republicans know how to enjoy a good time! We look forward to sharing another event and having the opportunity to support and promote our Republican candidates! Come out and enjoy some prominent speakers, some good food, and the best fellowship with other conservatives from your neighborhoods!
We look forward to hosting you and will provide more details at a later date. Are you subscribed to our mailing list for updates? If not, you can join us by sending us a message on our contact page, or simply by sending an email to mkfisher1965@gmail.com. Let’s get connected!
If you’d like to volunteer your time and talents to helping make our event the best one ever, join our planning committee by sending an email to Chairman Fisher or again, send a contact through our website.
See you on March 26th at the Harrison County 4-H Fairgrounds from 11am-1pm! Tell your friends and let’s have a party!