On June 26, 2021, the Harrison County Republican Party joined together to enjoy food, fun and fellowship. We met to enjoy one another’s company, greet conservative voters coming out in fellowship for the first time, listen to speakers whom we are fortunate to call our elected representatives, and to hold an election. Our state GOP by-laws require that every four years, an election is held to elect local party officers and precinct captains, co-captains, and youth captains.
The picnic was commenced with prayer and a pledge of allegiance. At 11am to noon, registered Republican voters from across Harrison County gathered to determine who would lead the Harrison County Republican Party as the elected officers. Voters gathered into their respective precincts and discussed who they would like to lead their precinct and got to know one another. After a brief discussion, the election was held and precinct officers were voted upon and announced. Many of these positions were filled, but not all. It is our goal that by the next election, every position will be filled. If this speaks to you, please reach out to us and learn how you can volunteer and the steps that may be taken to get you involved!
Once the precinct officer elections were complete, it was time to vote for who would serve for the next four years as Chariman, Vice Chair, Treasurer, Secretary, and Youth Chair. Mike Fisher was nominated and voted for as Chairman of the Harrison County Republican Party. Both Sam Pierce and John Carter were nominated for the position of Vice Chair. Sam and John each gave a speech as to why they were seeking election into this position, a paper vote was submitted by each precinct officer, and Sam Pierce was elected. This ultimately allowed John Carter to be re-elected as the Youth Chair of our county party. Brenda Packard was once again elected as party secretary and Vickie Stakelin was elected as treasurer. CONGRATULATIONS TO OUR PARTY GOVERNANCE!
At noon, the elections were closed and the picnic was open to our guest speakers. We heard from Auditor Mike Harmon (we are all grateful for his keen eyesight) and are excited for his representation of conservative values as a statewide official. Senator Steve West spoke about the prior year and what we have to look forward to. Representative Mark Hart was unavailable due to prior obligations and in his stead we were so fortunate to be visited by Representative Savannah Maddox, Representative Felicia Rabourn, and Thomas Massie’s field representative Chris McCain. Representative Maddox spoke of her expectations for the upcoming legislative year and specifically of a bill she has filed that will expand the freedom to make personal medical decisions independent of government interference and mandates. Each speaker answered questions from picnic attendees.
After the fiery, motivational speeches, our meal was blessed and attendees were able to enjoy a meal. Many dishes were brought by picnic attendees and special treats were provided by Avi’s bakery. We were happy to be together and well fed.
Thank you to everyone who attended. We look forward to seeing you again. Please remember that we meet the first Thursday of each month at 7pm for a business meeting and often discuss current events, occasionally we have a speaker. Sign up for our email for updates and meeting agendas.