Harrison County Republican Party

Conservative Voices. Conservative Choices.

“When America is united, confident, and committed to our principles, it will never fail.”

– Republican Platform 2024

Republican Party Platform 2024

The Harrison County Republican Party seeks to elect Conservative voices to office. Register to vote, check on your current registration, or change to Republican.

Who represents you?

In 2020,  Harrison County overwhelmingly elected Republicans to represent them in all levels of government.  Learn who your elected officials are. 

The numbers of registered Republican voters have been steadily increasing.  According to bestplaces.net, 71.5% of Harrison County voters, voted Republican and our county is rated “very conservative.”

Numbers that speak for themselves.


Registered Republican Voters in Kentucky 9/15/24


Registered Republican Voters in Harrison County Kentucky 9/15/24


% of HC voters who voted Republican in the last election

What happens in Frankfort?

What happens in Frankfort, doesn’t stay in Frankfort.  The decisions made in our Capital impact all of us.  We are currently represented by Senator Steve West and Representative William Lawrence, both strong conservative legislators we can be proud of!